We have considerable experience to help our clients recruit graduates as cost effectively as possible, and have specialist knowledge in this area of recruitment.

Whether you are accustomed to taking many graduates through annual campaigns, or considering bringing a graduate into your organisation for the first time we can help you achieve this successfully by;

The successful outcome of graduate recruitment is judged well beyond appointment from university. Research in this area suggests that where there is a gap between expectations set during recruitment, and the reality graduates find once they start work, that the employment relationship tends to be a short one.

We can add value to your graduate recruitment by working with you to set realistic expectations for both your organisation and your graduates and help you to deliver them well. Expectations on your company's selection process; induction programme; and the graduate training and development offered, need to be consistent throughout the process. From the first recruitment information; from contacts with the company during the selection process; through the induction of new starters, to planning their training you need to be consistent in your message and deliver what you say you will. That way your graduates will successfully reach the established stage of people who feel they belong to your organisation, made the right choice and plan to stay.



Whether you are an employer pro-actively recruiting for your future graduates, or wanting a student to fill a short-term role, we have the knowledge to make a difference in this process for you and the students.

Employers often have difficulty in dealing with student placements; from becoming swamped with applications to not knowing where to start to find suitable candidates to match their opportunities; or total confusion by the universities timetable and when to contact students.

We have many years experience in this area and can help you by targeting cost effective advertising to optimum effect to attract relevant applicants in reasonable numbers; and by advising when terms/semesters run.

Where busy managers feel they don't have the time to deal with arranging placements, but know they have work that could be done, we can help turn your ideas into a package of work for a student placement. The student working for you, with explanation and minimal supervision, could complete the work for you in a 12-week summer vacation or a 12-month sandwich placement, while you are getting on with other things. Can your business afford not to get the work done?